Reto Visini
Reto Visini
Across the River into the Trees
Water in form of a river and trees as most impressive parts of the flora: The foundation and source of all life. When rivers disappear and forests die, earthly life will be over.
Exercises in Tectonics
Monochrome, scale-free computer assisted drawings created in series of 12 works: Architecture and construction reflecting the relationship between figure and space.
About Eternity: Neokonkret
Representability of infinity as a mental dimension: Eternity in the sense of endless life. The compound between the precisely painted facets as part of the real world, and the metaphysical reference of eternity.
Female Figures
Multiple series of female figures or abstractions of them, painted in postcard-scale and large formats, about the unbelievable diversity of life in all its countless forms.
Utopias 86/89
A series consisting of early works, acrylic paintings on paste board, which deal with love as an (un)fulfillable dream.
© 2024 – Reto Visini